Campaigns |
Flight to Malta It's April 1942 and you are being posted with 46 other spitfires to defend Malta from the constant enemy bombing. It's stategic importance to the African Campaign cannot be over emphasised and is positioned in the mediterranean to allow attacking of vital enemy supply convoys while harbouring friendly vessels. Your mission is to arrive safely at all costs. |
Repel the Bombers The flight of 47 spitfires to Malta has not gone unnoticed by the enemy. There are at least two more waves of bombers heading for the airfield from the North. Your aircraft has been quickly re-equipped and is now ready for battle. Destroy the bombers before they reach the island. |
Gozo Radar There have been four planes spotted travelling fast and low heading directly for the radar installation on Gozo. Get there and shoot them down before they do any damage. Low altitude dogfight. |
Mine Laying Attack It has been a good day for the squadron shooting down bombers. There are at least two more waves of bombers heading for the harbours from the South West. Minimise the amount of mines parachuted by the bombers and stop them paralysing allied shipping movements around the island. |
Convoy from Alexandria A supply convoy has strayed into bomber range from Sicily and mainland Italy. They have decided to turn back to Alexandria due to heavy losses and the proliferation of subs in the malta area. Radar indicates a bomber formation is in their area. Intercept and shoot all enemy aircraft down then ensure that the convoy gets out of bomber range safely. |
Operation Pedestal For several months there have been no shipments of oil that have reached Malta and the situation is desperate. The only surviving tanker SS Ohio is being guided to the island between two destroyers. Without the oil there will be little aircraft fuel to defend Malta, so make sure it reaches the island by keeping the enemy bombers away. |
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